At Pluralli, we believe in celebrating the extraordinary individuals, teams, and organizations making a difference in the lives of those with dissociative disorders and trauma.
The Pluralli Awards honor the advocates, innovators, and changemakers who inspire hope, foster connection, and champion the journey toward healing and self-actualization. This is your chance to recognize those who embody compassion, resilience, and empowerment within our community.
Do you know someone who deserves to be celebrated? Whether they’ve touched lives through advocacy, research, creativity, or peer support, we want to hear their story.
Celebrates an individual or organization that has been a guiding light for those with dissociative disorders or trauma, providing hope, support, and inspiration.
Recognizes someone who exemplifies authenticity and openness in their advocacy for mental health awareness, breaking down stigmas around dissociation and trauma.
Honors those who bring joy and positivity to the community, embodying the concept of "glimmers" as moments of healing and happiness.
For pioneers in dissociative disorders research, advocacy, or treatment who push boundaries to create lasting change.
Highlights individuals who demonstrate exceptional kindness, understanding, and compassion in their work or support for trauma survivors.
Recognizes those who foster a sense of connection and belonging within the community, creating safe spaces for growth and healing.
Celebrates someone who has been a tireless champion for dissociative disorders awareness, education, or policy change.
Honors creativity and innovation in supporting those with dissociative disorders, such as through tools, resources, or programs.
For individuals who uplift and empower others within the survivor or DID community, encouraging them to find their voice and strength.
Celebrates individuals who have overcome significant challenges to reach their full potential, serving as an inspiration to others.
Recognizes someone who has shown extraordinary strength and perseverance in their journey with dissociation or trauma recovery.
Honors young advocates (under 25) who are making an impact in raising awareness and creating change for the future.
Highlights those who use art, writing, music, or other creative mediums to promote healing and share their experiences with the world.
For allies who have gone above and beyond in supporting individuals with dissociative disorders or trauma, using their platform to amplify voices.
Celebrates an individual or organization with a long-standing commitment to improving the lives of those with dissociative disorders or trauma.